South America | Featured Articles

The Collapse of Venezuela and Its Impact on the Region
World | Sunday, August 20, 2017

In May 2017, as the number killed during protests against the regime of Nicolás Maduro in Venezuela climbed toward 40, and with more than 130 injured and over 1,300 arrests, many in the United States and the region asked, “How much longer could it go on?”(1)


Illegal Immigrant Crime Wave? Evidence Is Hard to Find
Labor | Tuesday, August 01, 2017

The House of Representatives recently passed two laws to crack down on illegal immigrants in the United States — Kate’s Law (H.R. 3004) and the No Sanctuary for Criminals Act (H.R. 3003). Both were prompted by the tragic 2015 murder of Kate Steinle by an illegal immigrant named Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, and by the perception that illegal immigrants have created a crime wave. That perception is simply untrue.


The Trans-Pacific Partnership Is Essential to Regional Peace and Prosperity
U.S. | Saturday, July 16, 2016

What world-changing behemoth that begins with the letter “C” presents the greatest threat to U.S. commercial and strategic interests in the Asia-Pacific region? Wrong. Even in the wake of this week’s potentially provocative tribunal ruling against Beijing’s territorial claims in the South China Sea, the greatest threat remains Congress, not China.


The Impact of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Trade & Finance | Saturday, July 16, 2016

The Trans-Pacific Partnership, involving the United States and 11 other Pacific-bordering countries, has a tremendous upside for the U.S. For example, it’s projected to boost U.S. inflation-adjusted annual income by $131 billion by 2030, which represents 0.5 percent of GDP. It’s also anticipated to generate an additional $357 billion in annual exports by the same year, according to the Peterson Institute for International Economics (PIIE), a Washington, DC-based think tank.


The Approaching Implosion of Venezuela and Strategic Implications for the U.S.
World | Thursday, July 23, 2015

The U.S. response to the ever deepening political and economic crisis in Venezuela, and the regime’s increasingly aggressive behavior toward its neighbors and the international community, is compelling evidence that the Barack Obama administration is sincere in respecting the sovereignty of nations of Latin America and the Caribbean, and allowing the region to address its own governance issues.


Are Newly Proposed Free Trade Agreements Good for the U.S.?
Trade & Finance | Monday, June 08, 2015

In the works are two new major free trade agreements: the Trans-Pacific Partnership involving the United States and 11 other Pacific-bordering nations, and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with the U.S. and European Union. But the question that continues to be asked is this: Are these agreements good for the United States?


Li Keqiang’s Latin America Trip: More, Not Different
World | Saturday, May 23, 2015

With this week’s visit by People’s Republic of China Primer Li Keqiang to Brazil, Colombia, Chile and Peru, some analysts have suggested that the PRC may be turning away from concentrating its engagement with Latin America and the Caribbean on the less market-friendly regimes of the Bolivarian Alliance. I beg to differ. Premier Li’s visit is nothing more and nothing less than the continuation, with ongoing adjustments, of China’s growing multidimensional engagement with the region.


Venezuela Goes from Bad to Worse
World | Thursday, March 05, 2015

President Nicolás Maduro’s desperate effort to sustain the socialist framework he inherited from the late Hugo Chávez in 2013 is careening toward failure. A steep fall in global prices for oil, the main source of the government’s income, has exposed fully the systemic weaknesses caused by years of economic mismanagement.


The China-CELAC Summit: Opening a New Phase in China-Latin America-U.S. Relations?
World | Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Since the People’s Republic of China (PRC) began to open its economy in 1978, its relationship with Latin America and the Caribbean has passed through four phases. Prior to its 2001 entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), it conducted limited engagements through principally diplomatic and cultural vehicles, aimed at building relationships and winning diplomatic recognition among countries of the region.


Why Brazil Continues To Fall Short
World | Friday, January 02, 2015

Many common perceptions foreign investors have about Brazil are misplaced. By all rights, given its size, location, and natural resource base, Brazil should be an economic juggernaut. But the truth is that Brazil should never have been designated a BRIC because it is a poorly managed economy that has rarely lived up to its potential.


Articles By Continent | South America

Display # 
Additional Articles Author Hits
Business Engagement with China: A Latin America Divided Evan Ellis 31245
Nicaragua Canal: A Game Changer or Pipe Dream? The PRS Group 6950
What’s Really Behind the Nicaragua Canal Project Evan Ellis 23184
U.S.-China Competition Heats Up as Chinese President Xi Tours Latin America Evan Ellis 6555
Although Problems Lie Ahead for Maduro, Venezuelan Chávism Will Persist The PRS Group 4799
Critical Problems for New Chinese Presence in Latin America Evan Ellis 8035
Why the Trans-Pacific Partnership Could Be a Game Changer Claudio Loser 5593
The Rise of the New Pacific Community Evan Ellis 15089
Brazil's Fiscal Temptation The PRS Group 4288
Who’s Investing in Latin America? Roel Spee 5271
Honduras May Be Headed for a Political Crisis The PRS Group 4421
Free Trade With South Korea, Colombia and Panama: The Impact John Manzella 5506
Brazil: A Land of Opportunity Well Into the 21st Century John Manzella 4529
Enhance U.S. Security: Pass Free Trade Agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea Ray Walser and Bruce Klinger 4330
Congress Needs To Ratify the U.S.-Colombia FTA: Every Month of Delay Is Lost Opportunities Daniel Griswold 4688
U.S. Small Businesses Are Thriving Internationally: Reducing Barriers To Trade and Investment Helps Daniel Griswold 4948
Latin America Rising John Manzella 4301
A Snapshot of DR-CAFTA John Manzella 6910
The Democratic Benefits of a Free Trade Agreement with Central America Ana Isabel Eiras 3792
New Trade Agreements: FAQ and Talking Points John Manzella 5011

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